DR KEVIN HERRON at his core is both a student and a teacher. He approach every day and every patient with an open mind, an open heart and an intention of kindness. His greatest joy is getting to know and understand people and learn about their lives and in turn help them to appreciate their body and find the road to better health.

Dr. Herron did his undergraduate studies in Zoology at the University of Washington. From there, he was blessed with an amazing and extremely rigorous medical training that started at the University of Southern California followed by a Family Medicine Residency at Valley Medical Center in Renton, Washington. His medical knowledge has continued to grow with every patient and their unique concerns and circumstances but as thorough as that medical training has been, he understands there is a whole world of healing that was never taught about and that he was left to learn on his own. The practice of meditation, acupuncture, nutrition, mind body healing, mushrooms and herbs has been artificially divided from the typical western medicine training. In a beautiful twist of fate, Dr. Herron found the Andrew Weil Integrative Medicine Fellowship which is offers additional training in this other world of healing and how to seamlessly blend all forms of healing together to better help patients, who deserve to be offered all healing options, western and eastern alike. As your partner in your health, Dr. Herron looks forward to helping you choose the path or paths that are right for you.

Personally, Dr. Herron is a father to two wonderful children, a son and a daughter and also a father to two amazing “bonus” daughters. Through four very different children’s eyes, he is reminded of the importance of learning and adventure. Two “four-legged” children, Luna and Zeek, are great reminders through a dog’s eyes, the importance of enjoying every moment and the value of companionship.

If you want to learn more about Dr. Herron’s practice or schedule an appointment please visit the website minervamedicine.com
To become a patient in Dr. Herron’s practice, please email info@minervamedicine.com